Wide range of physical property testing instruments to develop NEW MATERIAL , conduct QC or FAILURE analysis .
Huber Diffraktionstechnik GmbH based in Rimsting , Germany develops high-precision positioning systems used for X-ray diffraction in laboratories and synchrotron beam sources. Other application fields were diffraction experiments with neutrons, laser technology, astronomy and precise measurement technology.

Diffractometers for for x-ray investigations.
4 & 6 Circle diffractometers for X-ray as well as for neutron applications.

Rotational positioning products.
1/2 Circle Goniometers , 1/2 Circle Segments , Eulerian Cradles , Air bearing stages

Alignments can be perfomed in up to three rotational (Rx, Ry, Rz) and three linear (X, Y, Z) dimensions.

X-Pods : Tripods are realized as serial- Quadropods as parallel kinematic systems
Tripods 3-degrees of freedom (Rx/Ry/Z) , Quadropod 6-degrees of freedom (X/Y/Z/Rx/Ry/Rz)

Automatic locking of sample position , identical rotational centre of circle movements

Capillary Boy – Filling capillary tubes
Portable , variable frequency, control the velocity and direction of the particles in your powder
Photonic Science are leading manufacturers of high-performance digital cameras and detector systems covering the spectrum from X-ray, visible, Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) and neutron detection.
The camera technology offered is wide ranging, from the latest InGaAs, sCMOS, CCD cameras to X-ray and intensified cameras and LAUE diffraction systems.

LAUE Crystal Orientation System
Available in 3 Configurations – Vertical, Horizontal & Grain Map. The Photonic Science back reflection LAUE allows real-time crystal orientation down to 0.1° accuracy.

High-Resolution Customisable X-Ray Imaging Solution for diverse applications.
DECTRIS is focused on developing and producing high-quality, high-performance hybrid photon counting (HPC) X-ray detectors. With the world’s most advanced detector technology, Reliable, easy to integrate, and extremely accurate, DECTRIS pixel and strip X-ray detectors make data collection effortless.
EIGER2 – Hybrid Photon Countung X-Ray Detector
DECTRIS EIGER2® photon-counting detectors combine a small pixel size of 75 µm, a high speed, and active detector areas that range from very compact to extremely large.

PILATUS4 – Hybrid Photon Countung X-Ray Detector
PILATUS®4 detectors offer unprecedented speed, with up to 4,000 frames per second for large active areas. They empower fast measurements through their large angular coverage with a pixel resolution of 150 µm, in combination with highly efficient direct detection.
IMCE NV founded in 1995 offers product range with different furnaces providing several, worldwide companies and universities with a non-destructive material characterization tool.

The RFDA basic is designed for manual impulse excitation measurements at room temperature.

The RFDA professional is designed for automated impulse excitation measurements at room temperature.

The Resonalyser is designed for analyzing the orthotropic elastic properties (engineering constants: Young’s moduli E1 and E2, Poisson’s ratio ν12 and the in-plane shear modulus G12) of rectangular beams and test plates.

The HT650 furnace is designed to perform impulse excitation measurements at elevated temperatures up to 650 °C in an air atmosphere or with an inert gasflow.

The HT1600 furnace is designed to perform impulse excitation measurements at elevated temperatures up to 1600 °C in an air atmosphere or with an inert gasflow .

The HT1600-RB furnace is designed to perform impulse excitation measurements at elevated temperatures up to 1600 °C in an air atmosphere or with an inert gasflow (optionally) on 2 samples simultaneously.

The HT1700 furnace is designed to perform impulse excitation measurements at elevated temperatures up to 1700 °C in an air atmosphere or with an inert gasflow (optionally) on 2 samples simultaneously

The HTVP1700C furnace is designed to perform impulse excitation measurements at elevated temperatures up to 1700 °C in an inert atmosphere or up to 1500 °C in vacuum (10-2 mbar).

The LTVP800 system is designed to perform impulse excitation measurements at temperatures from -50 °C up to 800 °C in vacuum (10-4 mbar).
RaySpec is a specialist manufacturer of energy dispersive x-ray detectors based on Silicon Drift Detector technology. Products are found worldwide in scanning electron microscopy systems, x-ray fluorescence analysers and on specific beamlines at synchrotrons and other accelerator based laboratories.

SINGLE & MULTI Elements Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) for Beam-lines
Customised 1- 19 sensors , size , window material , Energy Resolution , Detector materials & Geometry
Thermtest has been advancing the measurement of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat for 13 years. Unique combination of advanced laboratory thermal conductivity instrumentation, portable meters, enable to offer testing solutions to fit most any type of sample, testing application .

TLS 100 – Thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity .
Portable thermal conductivity meter for testing soil, rock, concrete, and polymers. ASTM D5334-14

MP 2 – Measurement platform for measuring Liquids, Solids, Pastes and Powders.
Unique selection of transient thermal conductivity sensors.

TPS EFFUSIVITY METER – Thermal Effusivity measurement of Textiles, Fabrics, and Solids.
Single-sided TPS sensor ASTM D7984-16

THW L1 – Thermal conductivity, Thermal diffusivity and Specific heat of liquids and pastes.

Heat Flow Meter method ASTM C518, ISO 8301, and EN 12667.

GHFM 01 – Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Metals, Polymers and Composites
Guarded Heat Flow Meter with a guard to limit the effects of lateral heat loss. ASTM E1530-19
SITA Messtechnik GmbH develops, produces and sells devices for measuring the dynamic surface tension of liquids, fully automatic foam tester for analyzing the foaming behavior of liquids as well as fluorescence measuring technique for controlling the cleanliness of parts and for monitoring the contamination level in process liquids.

SITA DynoTester+ – Surface Tension Analyzer
Dynamic surface tension of liquids using the bubble pressure method.

SITA Science Line T100 – Surface Tension Analyzer
Large bubble lifetime range from 15 ms up to 100,000 ms.

SITA FOAM Tester – Analysing foam parameters, Controlling surfactant effects
Analyses the characteristics of surfactant-containing liquids with automated measuring sequences.

SITA CleanoSpector – Contact-free cleanliness inspection of part’s surfaces
Measures Fluorescence intensity in RFU

SITA ConSpector – Easy control of contamination level in cleaning and rinsing baths
Determination of bath contamination

SITA SurfaSpector – Surface wettability
Evaluation of surface wettability in manufacturing processes by measuring the contact angle.
Expert Lab Service produces tailor-made thermal analysis instruments specifically designed for the ceramic industry.

ELS-MDF: Microscope, Dilatometer, Fleximeter
Contact-less optical thermal analysis instrument able to reproduce industrial heating cycles
Vigor is a world-class manufacturer of inert gas enclosures, purification systems, and cleanroom equipment. Vigor has developed innovative no-leak sealing technology, Vigor’s superior design can remove impurities (O2, H2O, N2) to ppb levels, and achieve ISO-2 levels cleanness.

Low moisture and oxygen contents (<1 ppm, Minimum: 0.1 ppm) , Patented sealing technology with low leakage rates (<0.001 vol%/h), All-welded stainless-steel design, & High purifier capacity.

Custom Inert Atmosphere Systems – Designed to meet any applications.
Chemical Synthesis , Nuclear Research , LOED / OPV , Lithium Battery / Supercapacitor , Additive manufacturing , Laser welding .
SEO (Surface Electro Optics) Korea was established in 1998 and is taking the lead in analysis technology. SEO opened a new stage for Contact Angle & Surface Tension Analysis .

Contact Angle Analyzer – Phoenix Pico / Nano
Drop shape analysis system specially designed and optimized for extremely small sample.

Contact Angle Analyzer – Phoenix 300 Touch
Designed to offer flexibility required for R&D , QA and Process development.

Portable Contact Angle Analyzer – Phoenix Smart A
Portable contact angle device that is easy and convinient to use.

Dynamic Contact Angle Analyzer – DCA 200
Contact angle measurements and the Surface Tension of a liquid.

Surface Tension Analyzer – DST 60
Tension meters for the measurement of surface (Liquid-vapor) & interfacial (Liquid-Liquid)
HED® International, Inc., A New Jersey Corporation founded in 1967, designs, manufactures and supplies process heating systems and provides technical services for the production of ceramics, metals, glass and chemicals.